Terms and Conditions
Shop's statute:
Our company sells antique guns , their replicas and all related items including accessorioes for reenactors, gun collectors and black powder shooters.
Our gun dealer license number is : B-050/2010
If you want to buy items from our online store please follow these easy steps:
Step 1: Register on our website. You'll receive an e-mail confirmation. After registration you must activate your account by clicking on the link you received in the mail.
Step 2: Log in.
Step 3: Choose the item/s that you want to purchase. Click the ADD TO BASKET button n the listing.
You can see the items in your basket at any time by clicking the SHOPPING BASKET icon.
Step 4: Then you will be redirected to the shipping form.
Step 5: Fill out the shipping form and click the "SUBMIT" button.
Step 6: After ordering an item on our Store , you should wait for our order confirmation e-mail.
Step 7: Then you can make a payment through a bank wire transfer.
The payment should include delivery costs.
Remember that your order number must be noted on the wire transfer so as to speed-up the process of delivery.
Przedsiebiorstwo Handlowe Michal Kuropatwa
Reenactment Articles
Gun Dealer licence nr B-050/2010
95-035 Ozorkow , Klonowa Street 14
VAT Identification Number : PL 9471550319